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out url icon Recercat Study of a sol-gel precursor and its evolution towards ZnO G贸mez N煤帽ez, Alberto ; L贸pez, Concepci贸n ; Alonso Gil, Santiago ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Vil脿, Anna
out url icon Recercat Study of a sol-gel precursor and its evolution towards ZnO G贸mez N煤帽ez, Alberto ; L贸pez, Concepci贸n ; Alonso Gil, Santiago ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Vil脿, Anna
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Study of a sol-gel precursor and its evolution towards ZnO G贸mez N煤帽ez, Alberto ; L贸pez, Concepci贸n ; Alonso Gil, Santiago ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Vil脿, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Study of a sol-gel precursor and its evolution towards ZnO G贸mez N煤帽ez, Alberto ; L贸pez, Concepci贸n ; Alonso Gil, Santiago ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; Vil脿, Anna

